Mission und health c
Health encompasses a complex combination of physical, mental and social aspects. It is more than the absence of illness or infirmity and describes a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”.
Constitution of the World Health Organization, 1946

“He went about Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”
(Mt 4:23).
“And he sent them out with a commission to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal.”
(Luke 9:2).

“Mission certainly has something to do with integral salvation, which concerns body and soul our concrete-historical world and the social situation. It is about the whole person.”
WeltMission – Internationaler Kongress der katholischen Kirche, Arbeitshilfen Nr. 202, published by the German Bishops’ Conference 2006, 41.
In intra- and interdisciplinary dialog, IWM staff members theologically explore the diverse relationships between “mission”, “salvation/healing” and “health”. In doing so, they not only reflect on this network of relationships theoretically, but also look at the practical experiences of various local churches. Their reflections are accompanied by the following questions:
What does “healing” actually mean?
How can “pathogenic” realities of people’s lives be transformed?
How is the healing mission of Jesus implemented in different
implemented in different world church contexts?
How can the church implement the “healing mission” in the context of the global church?
What theologies are being developed in the area of tension between health and mission in order to open up healing perspectives for people with disabilities, for example?
How can “pathogenic” life realities be transformed?
of people be transformed?