Missionary collections
Such questions are at the heart of the “Missionary Collections” project, which aims to engage with the holdings of primarily ethnographic objects that missionaries gathered in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. This discussion is urgently needed, because in many religious congregations with such collections it is questionable whether the preservation of this missionary heritage can be secured in the long term in view of scarce personnel resources. In addition, the current debate on the reappraisal of German colonial history urges that ethnological collections in general be subjected to a critical revision with regard to the acquisition processes associated with them as well as their use in historical exhibition practice.

In view of the quantity of missionary collections produced by Catholic religious congregations alone and located in Germany, the project cannot be designed to carry out a comprehensive survey, evaluation and provenance research. Rather, it is planned to initiate projects on specific collections with the help of suitable cooperation partners, to raise third-party funds for them, and to bundle their results in Sankt Georgen if they are successfully implemented, so that other religious communities can also be supported in an advisory, mediatory, and accompanying capacity.
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter – Missionsgeschichtliche Sammlungen