With the founding of the Institute, the Chair of Missiology and Intercultural Dialogue was established at the Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Sankt Georgen.
Missiology as part of the theological teaching at the PTH Sankt Georgen
At Sankt Georgen, Missiology is part of the curriculum for the theological master’s degree (Mag. theol.) within the module M 14. This module provides an overview of the history of the origins of Judaism and Christianity, with special attention to their dependence on and differentiation from each other and from other religions or worldviews up to the present day. In doing so, the unique relationship of Christianity to Judaism is revealed.
Building on this knowledge, a theological interpretation and evaluation of religious diversity is made on the basis of Holy Scripture, the ecclesiastical-theological doctrinal tradition and philosophical theism. For this purpose, philosophical and theological criteria for the evaluation of the different religious claims to validity, truth and salvation are developed. Last but not least, the meaning and purpose, chances and dangers of interreligious dialogue and its relation to a contemporary understanding of mission will be discussed. This also includes knowledge of the theological foundations of mission, its history and its typical and denominationally different concepts.

University building of the Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Sankt Georgen (Photo: Dietmar Strauß)
The lecture “World Church and Mission” deals exemplarily with the epochs and spaces of missionary action and discusses in detail the development of the concept of mission after Vatican II up to our days. The most important texts of the Magisterium on the subject of mission are discussed, as well as the most current topics of mission in the context of the world church: mission and health, mission and education, mission and migration, theology intercultural, and new evangelical movements worldwide.
Students should be able to justify an integral concept of mission (dialogue and proclamation) and explain the development of the concept of mission on the basis of conciliar and post-conciliar documents of the Magisterium. The students should be able to understand world church developments (interculturality, shift of centers, mission in the context of education, health, migration) and global movements (Pentecostalism) and evaluate them with regard to the relationship between proclamation and dialogue.

Students of the Phil.-Theol. Hochschue Sankt Georgen (Photo source: PTH Sankt Georgen)
Through research, the IWM provides missiological groundwork in an intercultural perspective and reflects on the shape of the wordwide church.
Through teaching at the Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology, the IWM addresses questions of the mission of the church in theological discourse.
With annual conferences and study days, the IWM offers a platform for international exchange on current topics in missiology.
The programs of the IWM strengthen the importance of the church as a global learning community and support the work of the dioceses and Catholic aid organisations in Germany.