Friederike Dillenseger
Research Associate – Mission History
Offenbacher Landstraße 224
60599 Frankfurt am Main
Room: L 114.1 (Lindenbau)
Phone: +49 69 6061-712
Fax: +49 69 6061-777

Research focus
Women in Mission
Church and Mission History of East Africa
Gender issues and role models in missiology
Mission as an intercultural contact zone
Church and Mission History of East Africa
Gender issues and role models in missiology
Mission as an intercultural contact zone
Language skills
1985 | Born in Frankfurt am Main |
2004 | Abitur at the Franziskaner Gymnasium Kreuzburg, Großkrotze |
2004 – 2010 | Student assistant and tutor for the basic course in theology (Chair of Dogmatics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) |
2010 | Diploma in Catholic Theology as well as 1st State Examination as Teacher for Grammar School Theology and German Studies (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) |
2010 / 11 | Jesuit Mission Volunteer at Ocer Campion Jesut College (Gulu, Uganda) Traineeship and 2nd state examination for grammar school teaching in |
2011 – 2013 | Pedagogy, psychology, subject didactics and school studies (Christoph-Scheine-Gymnasium, Ingolstadt) |
2013 | Preparation for Development Service: Facilitation and Training Skills, Project Management, Proposal Writing (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe e.V. Cologne) |
2014 – 2017 | Open youth work and project management in the Mukuru Slums Development Project MSDP, Nairobi, Kenya (Bethlehem Mission Immensee, Comundo) |
2018 | Teacher (Bertha-von-Suttner-Schule, Nidderau) |
since Feb 2019 | Research assistant at the Institute for World Church and Mission |
Rezension zu World Christianity. Methodological Considerations, hg. von Martha Frederiks und Dorottya Nagy, in: ztp 144 (2022) 3, 450-453.
Mission der Frauen. Hermeneutische Zugänge einer Missionstheologie mit Leerstellen, in Diakonia 52 (2021) 3, 154-161.
Rezension zu Churches, Mission and Development in the Post-colonial Era. Christian Engagements between Holistic and Modernist Schemes of Improvement, hg. Von Heinzpeter Znoj und Sabine Zurschmitten, in theologie.geschichte 15 (2020), 228-236.