Mission and history v
The desire to understand the present and future of mission includes a thorough analysis of its own past: According to missiologist Bosch, “it is neither possible nor meaningful […] to strive for a renewed definition of mission without taking a thorough look at the vicissitudes of missions and the missionary idea during the last twenty centuries of Christian church history”
“ Bosch 2012:9

c “Therefore go to the nations and make all people my disciples” (Mt 28:19).
- What is the specific task of female missionaries in the Catholic Church?
How are understanding and practises of mission shaped by intercultural encounters? - Is the self-conception of being a woman within the Catholic Church biased by interactions with the women in the local community?
- How do views, experiences and challenges of missionary sisters contribute to a holistic understanding of mission?

“(…) on the one hand, the cultural root of the message of salvation is relativized by its universalization; on the other hand, the cultures of the pagan world are destigmatized and legitimized to validly express the message of God’s universal love for mankind – no culture is privileged, none untouchable” (Urstorf 1996:31).

- Between Europe and the global South.
- between the male-dominated church and indigenous women
- between a colonial gaze and intercultural togetherness
- between the confrontation with the suffering of the poor and the proclamation of the dawn of the Kingdom of God.
The questions about the representation of women in the historical sources of mission history, about gender relations in mission, about the mission of missionaries in the Catholic Church as well as about the self-conception as a woman in the encounter with the foreign should be given attention in the research on mission history at the IWM.
Arens, Bernard S.J., Handbuch der Katholischen Missionen, Freiburg 19252.
Müller, Karl/Urstorf, Werner (eds.), Einleitung in die Missionsgeschichte. Tradition, Situation und Dynamik des Christentums, Stuttgart/Berlin/Köln 1995.
Habermas, Rebekka/Hölzl, Richard (eds.), Mission Global. Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, Cologne/Weimar/Vienna 2014.
Eckholt, Margit, ZwischenWeltenLeben – Missionarinnen als transkulturelle Akteurinnen. Impulse für eine feministische Missionswissenschaft aus systematisch-theologischer Perspektive, in: ZMR 101 (2017), 46-63.
Bosch, David J., Mission im Umbruch. Paradigmenwechsel in der Missionstheologie, Gießen 2012.
Becker, Judith, Europäische Missionen in Kontaktzonen. Transformation durch Interaktion in einer (post-)kolonialen Welt, Göttingen 2015.
Pratt, Mary Louise, Imperial Eyes. Travelling writing and transculturation, London/New York, 1992.
Urstorf, Werner, Dornröschen, oder die Missionsgeschichte wird entdeckt, in: Heyden, Ulrich van der/Liebau, Heike (Hg.), Missionsgeschichte, Kirchengeschichte, Weltgeschichte. Christliche Missionen im Kontext nationaler Entwicklungen in Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien, Stuttgart 1996, 23-37.
Sievernich, Michael, Die Christliche Mission. Geschichte und Gegenwart, Darmstadt 2009.