P. Antonisamay Selvaraj SAC
Herkunft: Indien, Society of the Catholic Apostolate
Studienort: Phil.-Theol. Hochschule in Vallendar
Fach: Moraltheologie
Qualifikationsziel: Promotion
Stipendiengeber: MWI
Gefördert seit: Oktober 2013
E-Mail: frselvaa@gmail.com
1990 – 1992 | Volksschule Don Bosco Hi. Sec. School, V. Pet. |
1993 – 1996 | Bachelor in Philosophie, Goa University, Indien |
1997 – 2000 | Bachelor in Theologie, Angelicum University, Nagpur, Indien |
2000 – 2003 | Bachelor in Science, Nagpur University, Indien |
2004 | Bachelor in Pädagogik, Mysore University, Indien |
2004 | Priesterweihe am 04.05.2004 (Pallottiner) |
2005 | Lizentiat in Christian Studies, Madras University, Indien |
2006 – 2008 | Lizentiat in Moraltheologie, Alfonsianum, Rom, Italien |
2008 – 2013 | Professor für Sozialmoral, Pallottiner Hochschule, Mysore, Indien |
seit 2014 | Promotion in Moraltheologie, Theologische Hochschule Vallendar, Deutschland |
Mein Forschungsprojekt
“Contemporary Indian Moral Challenges to the Essential Properties of Catholic Marriage: Unity and Indissolubility”: India is not just a country, it is a ‘small continent’ with hundreds of languages, traditions, cultures, customs, theologies, philosophies, spiritualities and so on. Indian Catholics face lot of challenges with regard the official Catholic teaching on the doctrine of Unity (contraception) and on the doctrine of Indissolubility (divorce and remarriage). My project is focused on giving a clear picture of all these contemporary moral challenges.
I worked as a professor of Moral theology, Dogmatic theology, and Mariology for six years in the Indian Pallottine Theologate Mysore which is affiliated to the German Pallottine Theologate Vallendar. It presently offers only Bachelors in Theology. I came to Germany to do my Doctorate for two reasons: to strengthen the bond between these two theological institutions and to study the possibility of offering Masters and Doctorates in Theology in Indian Pallottine Theologate Mysore affiliated to the German Pallottine Theologate Vallendar.