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New volume in the IWM book series

Healing Mission

The Catholic Church in the Era of Global Public Health

Theological studies on bioethical and medical issues are most often concentrated on individual health issues. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the extent of interconnectedness between peoples and nations, and its impact on the physical and mental health of individuals, groups, and nations. Despite numerous studies on the ethical, social, and medical challenges of this pandemic, there is still a considerable gap regarding the need to consider the role of the Catholic Church in the context of public and global health. The contributions of this book provide resourceful materials for the reflection coming from medical, global health, moral theological, bioethical, mission-theological perspectives, and from the perspective of pastoral care of health.
Published by Branka Gabric and Stefan Hofmann. 2023


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The series „Weltkirche und Mission“ has been published by Friedrich Pustet Publishers (Regensburg/Germany) since 2012. The series focuses on migration, education, health, social justice, ecological sustainability and human rights as well as contextual and intercultural theology. The volumes thus contribute to overcoming particularism and ethnocentrism in theology and the church.

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