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New volume in the IWM book series

Doing Synodality

Empirical and Intercultural Perspectives on the German Synodal Way

In recent years, the image of a Catholic Church needing renewal has deepened in the German public arena. The Synodal Path identified structural aspects underlying the ecclesial crisis and proposed solutions debating issues such as clerical power, sexuality, participation, and the role of women. Considering the importance of these deliberations for the universal Church and their controversial international discussion, the need for intercultural dialogue became increasingly clear. The empirical project “Synodal Way – Global Church Perspectives” aimed to weave the polyphony of Global-Church perspectives into the debate. This volume presents the research’s results and their analysis by academics from different world regions, fills a gap in intercultural mediation, and offers an inspiring contribution to the ongoing synodal dialogue
Published by Catalina Cerda Planas, Nora Kalbarczyk, Markus Luber (eds.)


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The series „Weltkirche und Mission“ has been published by Friedrich Pustet Publishers (Regensburg/Germany) since 2012. The series focuses on migration, education, health, social justice, ecological sustainability and human rights as well as contextual and intercultural theology. The volumes thus contribute to overcoming particularism and ethnocentrism in theology and the church.

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