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IWM International Conference 2022
“Globale gesundheitliche Herausforderungen sind komplex und erfordern daher institutionelle Partnerschaften für Forschung und Ausbildung.“ (Winchester et al., 2016, 5.)
  • Y
    Winchester et al., 2016, 5.
Die Konferenz wird virtuell vom 30. März bis 1. April 2022 stattfinden. 


Die offizielle Konferenzsprache ist Englisch. Eine Simultanübersetzung wird nicht angeboten.


Das Institut für Weltkirche und Mission möchte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Disziplinen dazu anregen, die Rolle und den Auftrag der Kirche im Gesundheitswesen im Kontext der aktuellen globalen Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen zu reflektieren. Seit ihren Anfängen umfasst die missionarische Tätigkeit auch die Krankenpflege und die Arbeit im Bereich der Gesundheitsversorgung; daher ist einer unserer Forschungsschwerpunkte „Mission und Gesundheit“, innerhalb dessen diese Konferenz organisiert wird.

Theologische Studien zu bioethischen und medizinischen Fragen sind im Allgemeinen entweder auf klassische bioethische Themen oder auf die klinische Ethik ausgerichtet, während der umfassendere Aspekt der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung(en) oft vernachlässigt wird. Öffentliche und globale Gesundheit haben im theologischen Diskurs noch keinen bedeutenden Platz gefunden. Andererseits hat die Covid-19-Pandemie das Ausmaß der Verflechtung zwischen Völkern und Nationen gezeigt. Die Auswirkungen, die die nationale öffentliche Gesundheit auf die globale Gesundheit hat und umgekehrt, werden immer deutlicher. Diese Situation hat zu zahlreichen Studien und Konferenzen über die ethischen, sozialen und medizinischen Herausforderungen einer globalen Pandemie geführt. Dennoch gibt es immer noch eine bemerkenswerte Lücke in der kirchlichen Reflexion über die Rolle der katholischen Kirche in der öffentlichen und globalen Gesundheit.


Das Programm wird ein breites Spektrum innerhalb der Gesundheitswissenschaften und der Theologie umfassen, wie:


  • öffentliche und globale Gesundheit
  • Moraltheologie
  • Bioethik
  • Gesundheitspastoral
  • Missionswissenschaft
  • soziales Engagement der Kirche.

Mission der Kirche and Global Public Health
Mission der Kirche und Global Public Health – Branka Gabric Das Forschungsprojekt zieht auf eine Neuinterpretation des christlichen Heilungsauftrages, der in der Heiligen Schrift grundgelegt ist. Dieser Auftrag zur Heilung soll dabei schwerpunktmäßig aus zwei Perspektiven betrachtet werden.
Die Konferenz möchte über die Rolle der katholischen Kirche und ihren Heilungsauftrag in diesem besonderen historischen Kontext nachdenken. Experten aus den Bereichen Theologie, Philosophie, Bioethik, öffentliche Gesundheit und globale Gesundheit werden über viele relevante Themen nachdenken, angefangen bei der Gründung der Heilungsmission der Kirche, der Anthropologie der Gesundheit und den Herausforderungen der globalen Gesundheit weltweit. Letztlich geht es darum, die spezifischen Möglichkeiten des kirchlichen Engagements auf internationaler und lokaler Ebene zu erörtern.


Die internationalen Experten werden den Stand der Forschung in ihren jeweiligen oben genannten Bereichen vorstellen, um die Diskussion anzuregen. Neben der akademischen Debatte soll es auch Raum für pastorale Fragen und Herausforderungen geben.


In unserem virtuellen Raum können die Teilnehmer verschiedene Formate erwarten: Präsentationen, Podiumsdiskussionen, Sitzungen für junge Wissenschaftler, gesellige Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr. Neben der inhaltlichen Diskussion ist uns die Möglichkeit der Vernetzung und des Austauschs über die Konferenz hinaus sehr wichtig.

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Beck
    • Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Beck
    • The theologian, pharmacist, physician and book author Matthias Beck has been an associate university professor of moral theology with a focus on medical ethics since 2007. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 2011.
    • More about M. Beck
  • Prof. Dr. Ana Borovečki
    • Prof. Dr. Ana Borovečki
    •  The theologian, pharmacist, physician and book author Matthias Beck has been an associate university professor of moral theology with a focus on medical ethics since 2007. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 2011.
    • More about A. Borovečki
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Bruchhausen
    • Endowed Professorship for Global Health – Social and Cultural Aspects at Bonn University in Germany. Senior Fellow at the Centre for Development Research (ZEF) at Bonn University.
  • Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa di Pietro
    • She is the director of the Center for Research and Studies on Procreative Health at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy. Professor Di Pietro has a degree in Medicine and Surgery and specializes in Endocrinology and Forensic Medicine.
  • Prof. Dr. Alexis Fritz
    • He studied theology and philosophy in Graz, Innsbruck and Rome. He received his PhD in Catholic Theology from the University of Freiburg im Breisgau in 2008 on the topic „The End of the Naturalistic Fallacy as Knock-Out Argument. Semantic and Systematic Investigation of the Problem of Being-Sollen.“ At the University of Tübingen, he habilitated in 2016 in the field of moral theology/theological ethics on the topic „Der Anspruch der Bedürfnisse. Just Prioritization in Health Care“ and subsequently worked there as a private lecturer. In addition, he worked, among other things, from 2011 to 2018 as a lecturer for courses of the ethical-philosophical basic studies at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau. Professor Fritz is a member of the permanent working group „Basic Political and Ethical Questions“ of the Central Committee of German Catholics, a member of the International Association of German-Speaking Moral Theologians and Social Ethicists, and a theological advisor to Caritas Europe on social policy issues.
  • Prof. Dr. Henk Ten Have
    • Professor emeritus at the Center for Healthcare Ethics at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, U.S.A. where he has been Director since 2010. Previously, he served in UNESCO as Director of the Division of Ethics of Science and Technology (2003–2010). His recent works are: Global Bioethics—An Introduction (2016), Vulnerability—Challenging Bioethics (2016), Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics (2016), and Wounded Planet (2019).
  • Dr. Klemens Ochel
    • He has a doctorate in medicine specializing in General and tropical medicine. He is also a Mater of International Public Health. Dr. med Ochel works at the Missionsärztliches Institut Würzburg, which is an institution leading in consulting of church organizations.
  • Dr. Sam Orach
    • He is a medical doctor (MD) and a Public Health Policy and Management specialist with 39 years of experience in the health sector, including 32 years in health leadership and management positions. He is the Executive Secretary of the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB), the Health Department of Uganda Episcopal Conference. Dr Orach has got training, lots of interest and experience in Corporate Governance and has served on several governing and advisory boards, both nationally and internationally. A few of them include being a member of Uganda’s Health Policy Advisory Committee (for Ministry of Health), a member of the Board of Directors of the National Medical Stores. He was Advisor to the Pontifcal Council for Health, 2012–2018. He was member of the John Fetze Foundation’s Health Advisory Council, 2012–2014. He is a member of the Carvendish University (Uganda) Advisory Council.
  • Prof. Dr. Luis Miguel Gutíerrez-Robledo
    • Dr. Gutiérrez is a Mexican scholar trained in France on geriatric medicine and the biology of aging; he currently serves as Director General of the National Institute of Geriatrics, at the National Institutes of Health in Mexico. He has been appointed by the National Academy of Medicine to serve as the expert lead of the Mexican Aging and Health Strategy.
  • Prof. Dr. Stephan Rothlin SJ
    • Fr. Stephan Rothlin who holds a doctorate in moral theology from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, is director of the Macau Ricci Institute and Ass. Research Professor of the Faculty of Business and Law of the University of Saint Joseph, Macau. Since 1998 he relocated to China where his research has been focused on international business ethics and Catholic Social Teaching with a focus on China. He provides educational consulting services to encourage the practice of corporate social responsibility.
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Rozier SJ
    • He is Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy in the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University in the US.
  • Sr. Dr. Rita Schiffer
    • Sr. Rita Schiffer was born and raised in a small German village at the Niederrhein as first of seven children in the family. She started medical studies in Essen and joined after 2 Years of studies the congregation of Medical Mission Sisters in Essen. Her first assignment after graduation as a medical doctor was to Ghana. Then followed a period of formation ministry and involvement in retreat work and spiritual direction. In 1992 began her specialization as obstetrician/gynecologist. After completion she was assigned to Ethiopia. Since 1997 she is the medical director in the integrated health service of Attat hospital besides her work as a gynecologist.
  • Prof. Dr. Tyler Vanderweele
    • He is the John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology in the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Co-Director of the Initiative on Health, Religion and Spirituality, faculty affiliate of the Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science, and Director of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University. He holds degrees from the University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard University in mathematics, philosophy, theology, finance and applied economics, and biostatistics.
  • Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo
    • Msgr. Vitillo pursued graduate studies in theology and psychology; he completed a Master of Social Work degree with concentrations in clinical social work and management. He is a Catholic priest and served in Catholic Church-related charitable agencies at local, national, and global levels. Monsignor Robert J. Vitillo is the Secretary General of the International Catholic Migration Commission since June 2016. He is also Attaché at the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the UN in Geneva/Switzerland A national of the United States of America, Msgr. Vitillo is a trained social worker with a broad expertise in migration and refugee services, child protection, social services, human rights, HIV/AIDS and global health. From 2005 to 2016, he served as Head of Delegation of Caritas Internationalis in Geneva and as Special Advisor on HIV and AIDS.
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